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We won an award! Let's learn a bit more about CENTUM

By iSask Mortgage Brokers on Thursday, February 13, 2020
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One of our collective passion points at iSask Mortgage Brokers is to make sure that we stay on the top of our game and ahead of the curve when working to find the ideal mortgage rate or mortgage refinancing solution for our clients.

We want to take advantage of the best tools and services at our fingertips, and it's always reassuring to get positive feedback about when we're putting those utilities to good use to do the best job possible.

We recently received a piece of that kind of feedback, and we and shared our success on Facebook a little while ago. Here’s a look at what we posted:This award is from CENTUM, a group of Canadian mortgage professionals that spans the nation and serves as a tool for us to stay plugged into a network of the best brokers and lenders. As a part of CENTUM, iSask Mortgage Brokers can tap into a wide range of mortgage and lending tools to help our clients in Saskatoon and across Saskatchewan get the best mortgage rates and information on home ownership.

We teamed up with CENTUM in 2019 and were the first brokers in Saskatoon to do so. It was an exciting leap forward for us — any time we can find new ways to help our clients, we're keen to explore those opportunities.

The CENTUM network includes almost 200 franchised mortgage locations, with over 2,100 mortgage professionals across Canada.

Working with CENTUM helps us find the best mortgage rates and allows us to expand on our ability to negotiate with a larger variety of lenders simultaneously.

In October of last year, we learned that we ranked #3 in Unit Volume across Canada, meaning that working with CENTUM has let us provide mortgage lending, refinancing, and and renewals to more satisfied clients than ever.

We scored Top 3 out of 2,100 mortgage brokers in Canada — hey, that's pretty darn cool!

When we decided to team up with CENTUM last year, we knew we'd be taking some valuable steps towards expanding our ability to provide the highest quality professional mortgage services in Saskatoon.

With that said, what we think makes iSask Mortgage Brokers special hasn't changed: our clients come first. You are our customers, not the bank or other lenders. We're here to help you, and we will use our knowledge, skills, and every tool in our kit to help you get the most out of your mortgage.

At the end of the day, we'd much rather have you stop by our office or give us a call to let us know that we've done a good job. That's worth more than any fancy award...

But hey, we don't mind a fancy award every now and then.

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